Reviews and ratings of quality, hand-picked, UK websites

Hypnotic Tracks
Headers: Hypnotherapy Downloads
Devised by Sam Weller who has been Hypnotherapist since 1989 and holds a Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy through the General Hypnotherapy Register. He is also a member of the USA based National Guild of Hypnotists. Use Hypnotic Tracks to relax, stop smoking, lose weight and much else. Each of the tracks is £22.50 plus there is a 100% money back guarantee. Hypnotic Tracks is operated by Weller Associates which is based in Chipping Norton, near Oxford.
Special Features: Click on the picture of Sam Weller on the main page for a 6 minute video introduction to Hypnotic Tracks. Please note that the video doesn't work too well in Firefox but is fine in Internet Explorer. Mac users - sorry I have no idea!:-)
• Special Offers: A Wellerassociates stress guide will be sent free to each customer buying a hypnotictracks download. Normal retail price £9.99.

Oxford College
Headers: Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
Practitioner level course in hypnotherapeutic techniques. 250 hours of study leading to a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Materials include a DVD and unlimited tutor support. The course is also available internationally.

Headers: Self hypnosis
Self hypnosis resources. Don't fancy going to a therapist? This website contains articles, MP3 downloads, CDs and Tapes and scripts. Wide range of topics dealt with from unrequited love to phobias and fears.


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