Military Clothing
Reviews and ratings of quality, hand-picked, UK websites


Field JacketMean and Green
Headers: Military Clothing, Military Equipment
A range of hard-to-find military clothing and equipment. Mean and Green deals in genuine British, European and Worldwide army gear and also offers a wide range of commercially-made replica clothing, particularly in larger sizes. Mean and Green is based in the Royal London Building in Wolverhampton.

Headers: Outdoor Clothing, Outdoor Equipment, Footwear, Webtex Military Kit, Secutiry, Camping Equipment, T-Shirts, Military Models, Equipment Guide
This is a nice, fast loading site which offers a large range of military clothing and outdoor equipment for the serious ourdoors person, whether you are camping, hunting, fishing or hiking. Everything from combat jackets to survival tins, plus there is a 28 day return policy. Whipperleys is based in Luton, Bedfordshire.

John Bull Military Clothing
Headers: Army Surplus, Military Clothing, Adventure Racing, UK Regimental Clothing, Gifts & Memorabilia
Professional website offering a large choice of military clothing and accessories. In addition they also carry an excellent range of outdoor equipment. John Bull is actually based at Catterick Garrison in North Yorkshire and has been supplying forces personal since the 1980s.
• International Delivery Available

Military Kit
Headers: Military Kit, Outdoor Clothing, Survival Equipment, Equipment Guides
Large range of outdoor and military gear here from stealth cams to camourflage netting. Nice fast loading website with very good site navigation. You can also track your order direct from the website. Military-Kit is based in Tunstead which is near Norwich.

XS Military
Headers: Military Surplus Clothing, Outdoor Equipment
Head over here for a range of authentic military clothing and outdoor equipment. Please note that there is not a very big range of outdoor equipment but they are pretty good on clothing. XS Military is based in Gillingham, Kent.
Note: If you want to return unwanted goods they charge a restocking fee of 15% - not exactly sure this is legal!
• International Delivery Available


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