WHEN two people love each other, they don't look at each other, they look in the same direction
Ginger Rogers
WHEN two people love each other, they don't look at each other, they look in the same direction
Ginger Rogers
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UK Free Dating
UK Subscription Dating Sites
UK Speed Dating
UK Dating Events & Parties
It is New York in the early nineties ... and a new dating concept emerges ... get a load of male and female singletons together at a nice posh venue and play a simple and fun game. No awkward cheese and wine party smalltalk. No wandering around trying to find someone to talk to. Everyone is issued a "scorecard" then everyone has between 3 and 5 minutes 'dating time' with EVERY other person in the room, after which they tick a box on their score sheet- "yes, I would like to meet this person again or "no. Thanks but no thanks". Then the organisers check the cards and if people have both ticked yes then it's a match! The names are emailed out the next day and they can meet that person again! After that ... who knows! And now it's the UK 2005 and we have caught onto the game! So here are a list of the best and latest speed dating sites in the UK.
• www.slowdating.com
Headers: What is speed dating, Find an event, Venues, Book an event, Contact
At first I though that this was a tradional site with an ironic name aimed at the new speed dating sites! But it turns out that it is a Speed Dating site, so I assume that the title is an even more subtle ironic dig at the 'traditional' 3 minutes speed dating set-up. Slowdating uses 4 minutes! It is the usual scenario, you meet 15-20 people in one night and chat to them for 4 minutes and then on to the next table! Typically the price is £20-£25 for an evening. Venues throughout the UK.
Here's and unusual gift! You can buy speed dating vouchers in values of £20, £25 and £30. Direct to SlowDating Gift Vouchers
Speed Dater
• www.speeddater.co.uk
Speed Dater is a site specialising in naturally enough ... Speed Dating. What is Speed Dating? Well, it's one of those type of dating services where you go along and meet people face to face. And like those, it costs money, in this case around the £20 mark for each event. But whereas a lot of these events can be a bit formal and you probably won't get to talk to more than 1 or 2 people, speed dating is different. Imagine stepping into the function room of an upmarket bar, either on your own or with a friend or group of friends. You are given a scorecard, a pen and a badge. Then you are paired off with people for 3 minutes at a time and you chat away. If you don't get on too well then at least it is only 3 minutes! After each speed date you mark the scorecard whetehr or not you would like to see them again. So if you tick eight people and four of them tick you, you will receive four matches. After the event you can log onto their website to check your matches.
The Single Solution - London Events
• www.thesinglesolution.co.uk
Dating events for Single Professionals in the London area. These are aimed at specific age groups with a range of "ice breaking" activities. Many events include speed dating rounds if you want them. They have an average number of guests of about 100 and you can register your details and purchase tickets on the site. Once you have signed up for an event they have a great feature whereby you can view the profiles of other attendees and get to know people by sending and receiveing messages before you go to the event. Have a "dynamic pricing structure" but expect to pay around £20 for an event.
Urban Social
• www.urbansocial.com
Headers: UK Onlline Dating, UK Dating Events
Online dating for young professionals (between the ages of 18 and 45) in the UK plus they organise speed dating events, singles events, parties and wine tasting dating events. It is free to add your profile and search members, nights out and social events listings. But when you want to get in touch with other members, by sending, reading and replying to messages, or want more information or discounted tickets to events, will you need to become a Social Member.
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