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Quotation MarkThe lecture hall seems to echo with footsteps of the past as a scruffy professor with wild white hair shuffles in ...
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Reviews and ratings of quality, hand-picked, UK websites

Age Concern England
Headers: Information & Advice, Staying Active Discussions,
Support Age Concern, News & Campaigning, Products & Services, Living Room

Lots of information, advice and factsheets available here, from health to housing to leisure to ... in fact anything you can think of! Plus all the latest news relating to pensioners. They also have several forums you can take part in.

Age Concern Scotland
Headers: Information services, Publications, Insurance services, Older people's services, Training services, Grants, Services and projects, Policy and campaigns, Membership, How you can help, Older people in Scotland
Age Concern Scotland have a freephone information line as well as a wide variety of downloadable information sheets. The main emphasis in this site is with health and welfare.

Age Concern Cymru
Headers: Age Concern in your area, Latest News, Facts about older people in Wales, Information, Contact your AM/MP, Getting involved
Age Concern Cymru have a wide variety factsheets on diverse subjects as benefits, leisure, housing, health and consumer affairs. Lists the contact phone numbers and addresses of all Welsh parliamentarians.

BBC - Healthy Living
Advice on nutrition for the over 50s from the BBC.

Fifty Plus Surfers
Fifty plus surfers.co.uk - Pick up a senior moment with Fifty plus surfers, memories and so much more. This website is about remembering the past and more to the point your past, as we get older things around us trigger a memory perhaps something a child says or perhaps a photo of a loved one, this happens to us all from time to time and it would be a shame to lose those memories forever. So here you will find an ever expanding collection of websites and links to those memories of the 1940s 1950s and 1960s.

London for Seniors
Headers: Basic Facts, Entertainment, Travel, Sightseeing, Days Out
First off, you don't have to be a senior to use this website! In fact, it will be of interest to anyone spending time in London. There are plenty of ideas for sightseers from museums to markets plus some "out of London" places to visit  such as Hampton Court and towns such as Bath, Stratford, etc. In addition there is much useful travel information. Sign up for their free newsletter to get all the latest news and information.

Over 50
This is a government site where you can download the government guide "Are you Over 50?" which is a "practical guide to advice, support and services across government". It's a 78 page document that looks at work, pensions, health and voluntary work. The guide is a rather large download (~ 1.2Mb) and is also available in the Welsh language.

The Pension Service
Headers: Money & tax ,Health & social services in England, Wales & Scotland, At home in England Wales & Scotland, Learning, Legal services, crime & security, Travel & leisure, Voluntary & paid work, Losing a loved one, Useful contacts, Resource Centre, Guides and Forms
The Pension Service website is operated by the Government and primarily provides information on state and private pensions but also contains lots more information on other subjects such as council tax benefits, housing benefits, cold weather payments, inheritance tax and so forth.

The University of the Third Age
The U3A (University of the 3rd Age) is made up of a collection of learning groups (currently 522 groups) throughout the UK who are affiliated to the U3A and who organise courses locally. The courses are specifically aimed at "3rd Agers" and vary depending on your area. If you are interested in becoming a member, you can get the telephone number of your local group here. Alternatively you might be interested in doing one of the short online courses available. Fees for these are currently £5 -£10. Typical online courses cover writing, art history, history, geography and understanding computers.

The Open University
If you feel like doing a university degree course, then the OU offers a huge number of degree courses in all subjects. You can also enrol for non degree level short courses. Enrol online.



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