Quotation MarkA business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business
End QuoteHenry Ford


Selling and Buying UK Businesses and Commercial Property Sales and Rentals
Reviews and ratings of quality, hand-picked, UK websites



Fish4 Jobs
Headers: Search, Psychometric Tests, Recruiter Profiles, My CV, Recruit Staff Now, Improve Your CV, Training & Education, Be Your Own Boss
One of the UK's leading recruitment websites with thousands of jobs and jobseekers. Place an ad and it will be seen in over 180 local newspaper websites plus Yahoo!and Mirror jobs.
For Businesses for Sale, see the "Be YOur Own Boss" section

Headers: Businesses Wanted, Businesses for Sale
This is a site for people looking to buy or sell a small UK business. BizSale Report gives a comprehensive independent listing of businesses for sale. It is free to add an entry. They list summary details of businesses for sale throughout the UK with a turnover of less than £500k. Full contact details are available to subscribers only. Subscription is £55 + VAT for 6 months online access.

Business Sale Report
Headers: Companies Wanted, Companies for Sale
Business Sale Report is the UK and Europe's leading independent listing of medium to large businesses for sale, established in 1995. Access to a searchable database is available by subscription. Includes market news and all UK receiverships. Subscription costs £195.00 + VAT.

Headers: Businesses for sale, Commercial Property, Corporate Sales, Selling a Business, Franchises, Finance, Business Oportunities, Training Seminars, Business to Business
The website of Daltons Weekly, which is a leading source of businesses for sale in the UK and the rest of the world. You can search for free but to contact sellers you have to subscribe.

A.D.S. Property
Business Property Listing | Commercial Property |Businesses for Sale UK
Find commercial property and businesses property listings. ADS Property includes thousands of commercial property listings, real estate listings, business for sale ads, real estate broker, resources for selling or buying a business from all over London and UK.


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