Online Prescription Services
UK websites
Headers: Diet & Fitness, Beauty, Premium, Fragrance, Health, Baby, Toys, Mens, Travel, Photo, Electrical, Gifts
Boots online store stocks over 10,000 items, including Boots' exclusive brands plus a wide range of products that you will not find in a Boots store, from pushchairs to fitness equipment. Click on travel and not only will you find sunscreen, but luggage, beachwear and more. You can even buy your travel insurance here. Lots of advice and information on a variety of subjects. You can also sign up for a Boots advantage card and get points when you shop. Boots usually have several online offers and clearance bargains.
• Free Delivery on orders >£40
Direct to Boots Online Prescription Delivery Service
The Online Clinic
Headers: Impotence, Weight Loss, Hair Loss, Influenza
Online UK healthcare provider. Fill in the registration form and questionnaire and a GMC registered doctor will review and get back to you, usually within the hour. The clinic is open 9.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Consultations are free and you are under no obligation to purchase medications. The Online Clinic has been audited by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency.
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