House Prices
Reviews and ratings of quality, hand-picked, UK websites
Headers: Property Information
Whether you are buying or selling, you might be interested in Hometrack which is an independent property research company providing up to date information on UK house prices & market trends. Area reports cost £4.95 and specific propery reports are £14.95. If you live in Wales, you can find out if you are in the right council tax band, cost £9.95, and if not you can buy a support pack to have the band changed.

Land Registry - Property Price
Headers: General Notes, On-line Data, Published Reports, Bespoke Reports
Useful if you want to find the latest average property prices for your region in England or Wales. You can search by post code or county.

Mouse Price
Headers: Instant Valuation Reports, Free Land Registry House Prices, Maps of Property Hot Spots, Property Market Analysis
This is the latest craze on the net for keen property developers, housebuyers, etc, even just nosey neighbours. Find out the real price paid for any house! You just enter a postcode and you get a list of the houses sold. Click which ones you want to buy (yes it costs) and you will see the total cost at the bottom. Its 95p per price but a minimum price of £1.90 so if you're only interested in your neighbours house you'll just have to think of a couple more to enquire on. There is information on all residential properties sold since April 2000.

Net Houseprices
Headers: Free House price information
The best of the new house price information sites. Unlike the rest this one is free and states that it will never charge for the basic service. This basic service is to find out the genuine price for any property sold in England Scotland and Wales since 2000. I checked it out on some properties that I knew the price of and it was right every time! Great fun to check out what prices houses in your street cost etc. Also useful for professionals such as property developers. They do have a professional service with many advanced search, analysis, graphing and export facilities. This will be around £100 per annum and will be available "as soon as it's perfect".


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