
THE popular annual Cotswold Congress took place on Sat 28th , Sun 29th , Mon 30th May 2005. We were lucky to again have the use of St Edwards School in Cheltenham. There was the usual 4 sections as usual, Open, under 155, under 125 and under 100.
Entry Secretary:
Ron Powis 01453 762518
General Enquiries
Chris Mattos 01242 870642 or
mobile 07984 468465
Graham Brown - 01453 750891
John Harris - mobile 07745 580341
Application made for BCF Grand Prix Event.. Updates will appear on this page..
ACCOMMODATION: For accommodation please ring Cheltenham Tourism & Leisure Centre 01242 522878. Cheltenham Tourism 77 Promenade Cheltenham GL50 1PP.
Players of all strengths are welcome and we normally have all standards from absolute beginner to over 200 and even Grandmasters!
Last years Open winner:
FM Stephen Berry
For information on Cheltenham and accommodation visit http://www.visitcheltenham.com/
2004 Report
featuring a full report on the Open with every game in online and pgn format.
2003 Report
featuring a full report on the Open with every game in online and pgn format.
Run by NGCL Chess Clubs
www.edwardians.co.uk/chess.html www.stroud-chess.org.uk www.baltic22.freeserve.co.uk Webdesign and hosting by www.easytorecall.com |